Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pigs in Blankets

Parenting, particularly parenting toddlers, is hard in unexpected ways. Who knew that kids would enjoy standing on Mom's back while she's lying down, jumping in the air, and landing with her knees between Mom's shoulder blades? Who knew that a three-year-old would hold her hand up when she's being reprimanded and say, "Cover you face so I don't look at you"? Who knew that a toddler would suck on one end of a power cord while the other was still plugged into the wall? (Okay, maybe that last one isn't that much of a surprise, but since the oldest child never put anything in her mouth, the second child makes me feel like I live with a billy goat. Or a mountain goat, depending on whether she's eating or climbing.)

Parenting is also delightful in unexpected ways. The girls like to take nature walks, so I spend my afternoons walking through a small park, picking up interesting leaves and rocks, and playing in a little stream. That's not a bad way to pass the time. They also like to feed the ducks, so we try to go out and walk around a large pond and look at the ducks regularly. These are activities that I enjoy, but I probably wouldn't do them as an adult without prompting from the little people.

One of our greatest recent discoveries is that the kids give us permission to do things that would not normally be socially acceptable for adults. Jasmine has found a love of chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream on top. So, we've been eating chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast almost every day. Oh...darn. Tonight, we're eating piglets (li'l smokies) in a blanket for supper because the kids will love them. I don't think that other adults would approve of a woman in her thirties making pigs in a blanket for supper--unless there are kids around to justify it. And you know what? I'd eat pigs in a blanket any time--and now I can do it without anyone judging me. Ah, parenthood!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I'm pretty sure I don't do much differently now that I have kids. Mike and I always hit zoos and aquariums whenever we were on vacation. We went to parks to look at ducks, we both prize our rock collections (and still add to them), and we ate pigs in a blanket pretty regularly. I guess we're just big kids.
